A Word from Pastor Scott

Dear Pitts Family,

We indicated previously that from time-to-time, we would give you updates on major developments pertaining to Jonathan and Laura's retirement, and the work of the Personnel Committee. There are two significant developments we need to make you aware of at this time.

First, some weeks ago, Brent and Monica Riley reached out to Jeff Andrews, chair of the Personnel Committee, and made him aware of their willingness to help Pitts in the interim time as we search for Jonathan's successor. A meeting with the Rileys was set up to explore this further. In earlier days, before their Pitts membership, Brent and Monica served on an itinerant team going from church-to-church, leading in worship and conducting musical events, including working with choirs and musicians. Monica has her degree in music, and Brent is experienced as well. Providentially we believe, in January of this year, the Rileys felt convicted that they needed to begin preparing to use their musical and worship leadership gifts once again in some capacity, not knowing what that may be. Both began preparation and review on a personal basis. Once Jonathan made his announcement, they felt deeply impressed that this may be why the Lord was prompting them. They also desire to continue directing and utilizing the choir, current musicians, as well as ensembles and teams we already use from time-to-time. Their hope is that during an interim period, Pitts does not have to take an overly aggressive step backwards musically, and that we continue to fully utilize people who are already in place. The Personnel Committee believes this opportunity is truly a gift from God. In searching for supplies and interims, it has been found that such individuals are virtually non-existent. Many former Worship Leaders and Ministers of Music are involved during their retirement years in smaller capacities at churches, and are not even available to be considered. As a committee, we have celebrated the Rileys availability as we continue our search.

This brings us to the second major development. Previously, we have indicated to you that we have contracted with a staff-search company named The Shepherd's Staff out of Dallas, Texas. They are a leader in the industry. The representative working with us from the company actually lives here in Concord. Contracting with such companies has become a growing standard in the 21" Century, as the old way of networking has diminished in an increasingly impersonal society. We are still very much pursuing any networking leads we get, but have found that more is needed. Next Sunday, July 7, The Shepherd's Staff will be with us, conducting interviews with different teams of our people. In concert with one another, the staff, personnel,  and deacons, have established four separate teams of our laity here at Pitts to meet all afternoon at various times on Sunday the 7th with The Shepherd's Staff. These teams represent a significant representation of our church family from different areas and demographics, and will be giving needed input to The Shepherd's Staff. Then on Monday, July 8, they will be meeting with your church staff for much of the day conducting interviews. Between the interviews as well as participation in Sunday morning, their desire is to get a "better feel" for Pitts as a corporate body, with the goal of better understanding our church DNA. From there, they go to work, fine tuning the process that has been underway thus far, helping us to locate the best fit possible.

While we are doing what we can as a committee, nothing replaces the need for the congregation to be in prayer. Sometimes God uses a process put in place, but sometimes He also answers in ways we could have never foreseen. Whichever the case, we earnestly desire and appreciate your prayers.

In Christ,

Pastor Scott
Jeff Andrews, Chair, Personnel


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