A Word from Pastor Scott

Dear Church Family,

Since November of 1998, we have been fortunate to have Rev. Jonathan Turner serve Pitts Baptist Church as our Minister of Music and Outreach. For just over 25 years, Jonathan and his wife, Laura, have blessed our church ministries in countless ways. From Music to Vacation Bible School, Children’s Ministries to Women’s Ministries, Senior Adult Ministries to Youth Ministries and everything in between, they have served the Lord and our church family selflessly and with their whole hearts. On Sunday, April 7, Jonathan and Laura announced their intention to retire. While we are incredibly sad to see them go, we rejoice with them as they begin this new journey in their lives.

In this spirit of celebration, the Staff and Personnel Committee invite you to join us as we honor Jonathan, Laura, and their family on Sunday, July 14, which will be their final Sunday with us. We will meet for a special time of worship at 10:15am (Community Groups will meet at their regular time). Following the service, we will gather in the CORE Family Life Center for a catered luncheon and a short program to recognize Jonathan and Laura. Below are some ways that you can help us thank the Turners for more than 25 years of wonderful memories.

1—LET’S FILL THE CHOIR LOFT! If you are a current or former choir member, please plan to join us to make a joyful noise together on some of Jonathan’s favorite anthems that the choir has sung through the years. A link is provided below that will take you to a file with the music pieces that have been selected. Jonathan will also be rehearsing these at regular Wednesday night choir practices and would love to have you there.

2—JOIN US FOR LUNCH! Beginning on Sunday, June 9, tickets will be available for the July 14th catered meal. Tickets will be $5 per person. Get yours early to help us plan effectively. DEADLINE TO PURCHASE TICKETS IS SUNDAY, JULY 7. **Please note, this is a hard deadline as we expect a great turnout and must turn numbers in to the caterer.**

3—In recent meetings of the deacons and finance committee, it was approved to continue Jonathan’s health insurance for the remainder of 2024. This was Jonathan’s request, and he and Laura are very grateful for this. We recognize that there may be those who wish to give something personally in addition to this. If so, please indicate TURNER LOVE OFFERING on your offering envelope or on the memo line of your bank-generated check, or select “LOVE OFFERING” as the account for online giving.

Thank you for helping us make this a very special day for Jonathan and Laura as we honor them for their years of faithful service to our church and to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

In Christian love and service,

Rev. Scott Davis, Senior Pastor
Jeff Andrews, Chairman, Personnel Committee


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